Photography | Children (age 6) | Wilmington, OH
It’s that time of year – back to school! It’s bittersweet for us all. The kids are mixed with excitement and nervous jitters… waking up early, new friends, new rules and bus schedules. Our beautiful daughter McKenna is growing up WAY too fast and today was her first day of 1st grade! Yes, I’m one of those sentimental mothers. Kindergarten was good practice but full days is the real deal now. The excitement and hype for the first day of school fades as they get older so I wanted to capture every second of the excitement before she outgrows it all. We packed her lunch for the first time, discussed friends, bullies and where I put extra milk money incase she needs it… small moments I’ll cherish.
We were the first family on our road outside waiting for the bus because she didn’t want to miss it and I wanted time to get pictures! It was a family event. Daddy and little brother waited too. Oh, I just can’t believe how big they’re getting. 🙁 The bus came late, of course lol… and she got more excited and nervous as more kids came out and waited in the neighboring yards. Braden, our 2 year old, got very upset to see sissy go. (More for the fact the he wanted to get on the bus with her and go to school too lol). He cried and whined “Sissy Bus! My Bus! Go to cool (how he says school lol)!”… I can’t wait until McKenna gets home to hear all about the first day…